(Note please read this Garbh Samvad out loud thrice a day 🙂
Gayatri Mantra 3 times
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 3 times
My dear son, on knowing that you are about to be born, I, your father, grandparents were so happy that when these nine months and 7 days end and when we all take you in our arms, this is happening. But so don’t be in a hurry to come out, stay inside till the whole day is over. You must be strong and come out only after being completely healthy.
Son, I was a bit busy today, but even in such busyness, it never happens that I don’t pay attention to you. No matter what work I do, I always feel you in my heart. Son, you have to come into this world and lead an unusual life. It is not necessary whether you are a boy or a girl, you have to come into this world and make your life meaningful. this is very important. You have to make your own identity in this world by becoming an excellent child, an excellent student and an excellent human being, for which you must have the quality of curiosity. You should have a desire to acquire new knowledge. Knowledge gives the right perspective to look at life.
Son, you will never underestimate yourself in life. Inferiority complex will not be allowed to build. Always keep positive thoughts, son, to lead in your field, it is very important to have an excellent personality as well as being an excellent speaker. Therefore, along with increasing your knowledge, always make your speech sweet.
Will keep, so that wherever you go in the world, your loved ones will always be there. Apart from being a good speaker, it is also necessary to be a good listener. You will listen carefully to what the person in front says, so that you will understand what is being taught in the class, and you will remember what was taught. To be physically fit, you will play field games as well as mentally you will remain balanced. You will maintain harmony even in adverse circumstances. You will always be happy, cheerful and laughing. Son, nothing is more valuable than time in life, time spent never comes back. That’s why you will always make good use of time.
You are your mother, father, teachers, colleagues, elders
Will you respect You will be proud of your country wholeheartedly
Will you help But you will always be careful that no one can trouble you. It will be good to have these qualities of timeliness and decision making ability in you. You will have the quality of understanding where what to say, to whom to say, what decision to take. You will set your goal and be prepared to work hard to achieve it. No success is achieved without hard work. To achieve success, you have to have the ability to make sacrifices. Life paths keep changing again and again. The rules keep changing again and again. You will also learn to change yourself according to the times. You will have complete control over yourself. Will never bring negative thoughts to mind.
Son, anyway me and your father will always guide you after your birth. But, the eternal truths of life created now remain imprinted in your mind, as we have been told in the Garbhsanskar class. That’s why you also listen to it carefully everyday and store it in your heart.
Son, you always be beautiful, smart, handsome, perfect personality, so I will do whatever work or arrangement I want, I will speak different hymns, hymns, omkar, meditation mantras and prayers everyday. I pray to Ganpati Bappa, Saraswati Mata, Gayatri Mata and all the Gods and Goddesses to protect both of us from every difficulty and keep us in good health.
That’s why I will do penance everyday till you are born. Son, whenever I hear all this and speak, then you also listen to it carefully. Then see how my son will prove to be a wonderful child in the history of mankind by being endowed with all virtues.
Positive Affirmations (Positive Thoughts) for Positive Energy
1. I am very happy, healthy, rich and successful in my life
2. Everyone’s mind should flow towards Brahma.
3. I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am that pure soul, pure consciousness.
4. I am very polite and understanding..
5. I am very calm and relaxed.
6. I am a very peaceful soul
7. I am a very happy soul.
8. I am a very powerful soul.
9. I am a very fearless soul.
10. My attitude is positive.
11. I always attract positive thoughts and positive energy from the universe
12. I am always able to overcome any obstacle that comes in my way.
13. My body and mind are healthy.
14. I am very strong physically, mentally and emotionally.
15. I forgive and accept every body as it is.
16. I have complete control over my thoughts and feelings.
17. I am grateful for all challenges and have the courage to overcome them.
18. I am grateful for all the changes that have helped me change myself.
19. May God give everyone wisdom, good health and a bright future.
20. I am always very happy and joyful.
21. Everyone’s auspicious and everyone’s welfare.
22. I will always lead a disciplined life.
23. To give tremendous physical strength, morale, self-power and brahma-power to all
24. I am not dependent on any person, thing and situation.
25. My character is perfect.
26. My qualities, actions, nature, character, thinking and behavior are the best.
27. I will always observe physical and mental celibacy.
28. My gross, subtle and causal body is pure, strong and healthy.
29. I will do japa, meditation, yogasana and pranayama regularly.
30. I will always lead a modest life.
31. I will take Satvik diet for the rest of my life.
32. I will always respect others.
33. I will read good literature (books) all my life.
34. My confidence and self-confidence is immense.
35. My will power is immense.
36. I will chant mantras and meditate for the rest of my life.
37. I will always stay away from addictions.
38. All the powers of the entire universe are with me, and I have a complete reservoir of energy within me.
39. My mind is absolutely calm.
40. My focus is not on yesterday but on the future.
41. My body is completely healthy from inside.
42. I am feeling very good today.
43. My mind is full of joy and I am always happy.
44. I thank God with all my heart for whatever I have today, and all those who are with me.